Wednesday 6 March 2013

Plagiarism And Copyright

Plagiarism And Copyright

Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else's idea or work and trying to pass it off as your own. The risk of plagiarism means that a writer must be especially careful when releasing work, and must be completely certain that the idea and work is their own. There are services online that can scan your work to make sure that there are similar articles already out there. If a writer commits plagiarism the original author of that work has the right to take legal action which could end up with suing or in some cases a prison sentence. If someone plagiarizes your work as a write, your first step is to obviously check if it is all your work and not just similar. After this you would contact the author to see if they will remove the work. At this point your must have proof that you wrote the work originally. If still no conclusion is reached a lawyer should be hired and then legal action taken. 

Copyright is a concept used by most governments which gives the creator of a work the exclusive rights to it, however usually for a limited period of time. Copyrighting your work means that you are protected against plagiarism and means that you have proof of ownership for that script. As soon as you finish a piece of original work it is automatically copyrighted in the uk, no need for any registration. A better way of stopping your work from being stolen which is approved by the Writer's Guoild which is by submitting your script to By registering here you have given a date to which it was created and helps in any court situation. 

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